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Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:45 pm
by Luminaire
Sudden Storm had a hard time holding his ground when she first rose through the water. His knees felt liquidy like they wouldn't hold him up. And then there was something brushing against his skin that he didn't reconize at first. That radience of calmness she possessed, fanning out like the rays of the sun from within herself. So serene... his thought trailed off, when Trust spoke.

Trust...what a word for a name. Such a hard thing for so many to do and yet some could do it all too easily. He could see serians trusting her easily, it would be hard not to. Her name is beautiful, just as she is. Trust Stormy is unnerved from the very start, the fury under his skin sensing danger to itself, tries to prod him into running away from the rays of tranquillity, from the cool river.

But another part of him said stay, stay as he looked into her cool dark eyes, a contrast to his own. While his skin shivered and his hooves tried to move back, Stormy reaches forward nostrils flaring to catch her scent and perhaps prove she was real by touching Trust's soft nose.

The wildness kept him from making contact however and Stormy withdraws his head, confused by the conflicting messages. He was both drawn to and repelled by her presence. Stay, go, yes, no... Finally, one voice in his mind reminded him that he was being rude by not replying to her greeting.

Sudden Storm holds on that thought and tries to still his shivering skin. It was an effort to quiet his rebelling body, "Greetings, Trust...I'm Sudden Storm. Stormy for short." Perhaps he should apologise for seeming strange, but why apologise for being himself? He could not change and he got the feeling, looking in her eyes, that she wouldn't expect him to.

"How is the water?" Stormy asks more to try and start a conversation than out of curiosity after all he had just taken a drink, it seemed pretty good. But maybe she could tell him something more.

Deep inside the fire broods having been clamped down upon by Stormy's considerable will. It waited for now, but as soon as the restraints loosened even one iota it would rise again.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:12 pm
by SunBlind
Trust watched the stallion's inner conflict but remained unperturbed. She'd been told of her calming effect on others, but she wasn't quite convinced that this "power" of hers was real. But some would swear by it, and so she hoped that it would benefit this strange stallion some.

At one point, it seemed as if he wanted to touch her, and with a slight movement of her tail, came close enough for him to reach. But he pulled his head back. He shivered, then spoke.

Sudden Storm. Yes, that name suited him well, and conjured up many images. Trust was quite convinced now that he had indded been running away from something, but that something wasn't pursuing him, it was within him. And whatever it was, didn't appear to be done with him yet, he was skittish and frustrated, and it was obvious there was a battle of wills going on. Fortunately it seemed the one that wanted to stay was winning for now.

Fortunate? What a strange choice of words. Strange that she should want one facet of his personality to win over another. But just the same, she was glad he was staying, and appreciated the effort required for him to do so.

"The water is lovely today. It is cool and fresh and runs fast. Has your drink revived you?"

Small talk, but it was a start.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:14 pm
by Luminaire
((I have a song in my head that reminds me of them. ^^ and Ooo more drama! XD;;))

He was restless and couldn't stand still, after such a long run the blood was flush and overheated. Her description of the river water sounded like heaven right then. Just like her scent, fresh as rain.

Stormy takes acouple steps into the shallows, just to cool his legs. "It was most refreshing, but this feels alot better." Indeed now his head felt clearer, the hot haze removed from his mind. In minutes he was cooled all over, but the light in his eyes never wavered.

Being better able to think he realized that she had moved forward, toward his reaching let him touch her. Why would she do that? She didn't know him. How could she know it was okay?

Especially when he wasn't so sure it was okay for him to be here. How could he, when so much in him screamed, danger?

Stormy's eyes close and a small gimace appears, as pain suddenly pounded between his watering eyes. He bites his bottom lip hard in an effort not to make a sound.

"I got to go.." he says roughly and blindly turns to leave the river, but instead of the firm riverbank he steps further into deep cold water. Not noticing the rising water level in his pain driven haste, he steps again only to trip over a smooth stone.

Stormy goes face first into the fast running water well above his head. As Trust will see from his flailing limbs and wide panicked eyes, Stormy didn't really know how to swim.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:51 pm
by SunBlind
((Wooohoo, big major snowstorm today, even the office was closed! Course I didn't know that until I'd stood at the bus stop for over half an hour in the blizzard, gah!))

Trust watched in concern as the stallion, who had so briefly appeared to be quite content standing up to his knees in the river, suddenly grimaced as if in physical pain. Was it the cold? Or had he hurt himself running and hadn't noticed for the exhilaration?

In horror, Trust realized that Stormy was acting like a wounded animal, blinded by pain and unaware of what he was doing, his only thought to escape that which hurt him. Though it was obvious he had wanted to return to dry ground, he'd stumbled instead into deeper water, confused.

It took Trust but a moment to determine that the younger stallion could not swim. His golden eyes widened with panic and his hooves flailed aimlessly through the water, making the situation worse rather than better.

The mare tried to approach the stallion, to guide him back to the shore, but every time she got close a hoof randomly flung out came near to striking her, once even making contact hard enough to leave a bruise on her shoulder. She could see that Stormy was sinking fast, and the faster he sunk the harder it was to get close to his panicked form, his own struggles dragging him down.

Finally, seeing no other way of bringing him back to his sense, she reached out and bit hard into his left rump. In the moment that the pain got to his adled brain, he paused for the slightest moment. She took that opportunity to glide her sleek body underneath his and to lift him up, back into the air. A few flicks of her tail brought the pair to shallower waters.

By now they had drifted a fair distance in the current down the river. The bank was slippery here.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:06 pm
by Luminaire
((Us too! Blizzard Day! Eeep! rather like when I'd go out to wait for the bus for an hour before anyoen would tell me school was cancelled. ))

He didn't mean to hurt her, but he really wasn't thinking between the searing pain in his head and the induced panic of being underwater.

Plus the closer she got the higher a different level of panic became. Somehow, someway he knew that if she touched him it was over and nothing would ever be the same again. It was unreasonable, it was wild, and there was no helping it.

Course then she surprised the heck out of him by biting his rump. He would of yelled, but only bubbles escaped his mouth in a garbled rush.

Then she was lifting him to the surface, her strong sleek back to the barrel of his chest.

His head broke the surface, *Gasp!!* Stormy inhales the air into his starving lungs, coughing as well. After Trust moves out from under him, Stormy tries to strabble and get purchase on the slippery bank, stirring up quite abit of mud before getting any traction with his hooves.

Stormy heaves himself onto the bank as much as he could before collapsing into the sand, sides heaving and head still throbbing unmercifully.

He opens his eyes and all he sees is Trust right there next to him, half in and half out of the water, her dark eyes full of concern. And he knew without a doubt that everything was changing, and it scared him. If he'd had the strenght he would of run away then, but he couldn't, not like this, incapitated and half-drowned as he was.

Groaning he makes some clouds block out the sun, the light stabbingly painful. The use of his magic starts to ease the pain. With a soft sigh it begins to rain over the river. Stormy lowers his head to rest his chin on one leg, then he felt a gentle stroke on his neck.

He starts and eyes Trust warily like a wounded cornered animal. Stormy felt nothing but peaceful vibes coming from her, yet her proximiny was overwhelming for some reason Stormy still didn't understand. He'd always wished to feel peace, but at the same time it was entirely too alien a feeling to accept easily.

Eventually he notices the big bruise on Trust's shoulder and is distressed to realize that he'd caused it. "I am sorry for hurting you. I didn't mean to strike you." Stormy looks away deeply ashamed and very much exhausted.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 6:06 pm
by SunBlind
At last, the stallion collapsed on the river bank, his ordeal over. Or so one would think, but Trust got the feeling that Stormy was almost as afraid of her as he was of the water.

With some awkward movements, she pulled herself up onto the sands and brought herself closer to him, hoping upon hope that this "power" others claimed she had was real, and that it would help him.
She looked into his eyes and willed him not to fear her. Those haunted, golden eyes....

But then he looked away, down to her shoulder. With an embarassed apology, Stormy looked away from her completely. She reached out and nuzzled his neck, "It wasn't your fault. And it barely hurts." The second was mostly true, what with all the excitement she'd forgotten all about it. Now that she had been reminded, she found that her shoulder had begun to throb, but there was no need for the stallion to know this.

She looked up at the sky as it started to rain. How the weather was fitting, for her heart was crying for the poor stallion. Trust didn't know why she felt this way for him, but she wanted to chase his pain away. Wanted to give him the chance to rest from his inner demons.

She smiled gently, "Besides, my shoulder can't hurt nearly as much as your backside. You must forgive me for that, but I could think of no other way under the circumstances."