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Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:25 pm
by Kyra
Amber had been walking close by and had heard the whinny and went to investigate. She came out of the forest and watched the Foal. She felt sorry for the foal. She hasitated to go over, so she stayed at the edge of the forest and looked on. ' Wounding what had happened?'

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:28 pm
by [Unknown]
((OOC: Guys, if you were told that you weren't right for the foal, please don't post here anymore. I deleted all but the 'Goodbye' posts, just to make things a lot simpler. Oh, and everyone, I'm narrowing down the list further tonight, so make sure your responses this time get a lot more of your character's personality if it hasn't showed much yet. It might make you first to get booted or it might let you stay. Just a warning, and good luck!))

*The foal looks at the girl who first spoke with soft, sad eyes and quietly nods a small response, too choked up to speak. The sympathy she hears in the voice was welcome, yet she still felt lost...

And then the sky-colored mare spoke, her words comforting and confusing at the same time. The foal didn't know how to reply at first, but then, beginning in a small voice and then getting louder as if she couldn't stop the words.*

Begin again? How? I tried, with my Sha-kyn, but they didn't understand... I still have a father! He won't find me, though. He can't.

*She cut herself off sharply at that last phrase and turned her head to the Darkuni, close to her. More of the same inquiring questions... she blinked as a new one surfaced. Struggling through another wave of sadness, she grits her teeth and an edge of anger tinges her voice in this answer, though it seems more like a self-targeting rage.*

She left me. She left me as ash and soot, flying in the wind. Her parting words were hatred of my Sha-en, and of my father, because he left us all.

*Gazing at those surrounding her with a coldness that was the result of her words, it seemed like an older mare was staring out of her wide eyes, eyes that until a moment ago were filled with youth and innocence. Then her mask cracked and she was a lost, lonely foal again. In a small voice she whispered:*

My father named me LunarPrism, and that is what I choose to be called.

*She was aware of other questions, other people, but she was emotionally hurt and wrung out, and she was trembling and couldn't seem to stop. She put her nose to the ground once more and tried to concentrate on the smell of the grass, which had always calmed her before, but even then she shook. As some reached to touch her she bit back a wail and flinched. The last thing she wanted was touch.*

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:33 pm
by Indi
Indi can out of the shadows. "LunarPrism. What a pretty name." She sat within reaching distance, but not close enough to make the foal feel uncomfortable. Hopefully.

"You can always start again, no matter what. There is always something left the you can keep with you to start again. And you have your name." She reached out a hand a foot. A helping hand. She didn't reach to touch her, just held it there. "We all want to help. You just have to choose who you want to help you. It's your choice on how to make your future."

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:41 pm
by Tigress
Tig looked around as everyone backed off, some of those terms were unfamiliar to her, and she wondered where they came from and what they meant. It seemed like there was more to this than a simple abandonment of a foal, and Tig figured that was a good a place as any to start. Figure out what she meant as far as the comment about her father was concerned, and what those terms meant. She had sympathy, and that was well and nice, but the anger inside of the foal demanded answers, and Frostbite was right, she needed to begin anew eventually. The night seemed to have come upon them quickly, and the grass that the foal was curled up on shone a radiant soft silver of moonlight. Frostbite looked perfectly at home in the night, her mane glittering softly.

Frostbite gave her a soft look of concern, eyeing those gathering around with mistrust. She didn't know them all that well either, and she could see even Tig was worried about the foal's comfort. "Sha-kyn and Sha-en? I'm not familiar with those terms LunarPrism." She started, hoping to get a little more out of the foal, connecting with Tig's logic though the motherly part of her still burned something fierce within her. She took a chance at offering something more than comfort, speaking through what she felt Tig was thinking. "You begin again by finding someone who does understand. And I understand your pain. However your words are puzzling dear LunarPrism, but I wish to help you. I can only do this if you help me understand what happened." She allowed to foal to speak to the others and left her offer open. She felt Tig smiling at her hopefully, knowing she'd do anything to help the foal make peace with her past and let it rest.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:45 pm
by Nyx
The trio listened to the filly's heartbreaking story. Nyx had choosen a spot that was close enough to hear, butnot close enough to crowd the already fearful foal. How could any mother do that to thier child. It's an outrage. I just don't understand. Pride said, shielding Amy. She looked down at her foal and tears filled her eyes. I know Pride, believe me. I am a mother to if you will remember. I could never leave one of my children out on thier own. Nyx said, stroking the mare between her ears. Do you think I should go over? Pride questioned, looking a bit frantic again. She just wanted to shelter the poor thing. I just don't know. She may feel angry if she sees you with Amy, or it might hurt her more. I'll go over alone. Watch Amy, she still seems a bit shaken. Pride said and slowly walked over to the small group.

She took a place a few yards away hopeing that her presence wouldn't offend the little filly. You poor darling little thing. she said, in her most mothering tone. Can I help in anyway? she asked. I don't want to crowd you, just help.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:55 pm
by Rainer
Rainer mentally winced, and started kicking herself in her head, mentally repeating to herself of how stupid she was for asking such a question. But, the filly looked somewhat familiar. Yet she attempted to smile, for the filly's sake.

"Thats a very pretty name... If you don't mind me asking, what was the name of your father?"

She paused for a moment, thinking fast. Suddenly she felt like she wanted to do anything in her power to make LunarPrism smile again. So she remained where she was, which was a couple feet away from her.

"What would make you feel better? Your too innocent to have such problems, and I'd like you help you, like many others would."