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Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:07 pm
by Indi
((I'm glad I didn't have to tell Indi's whole story. It would've taken me a really long time just to get through Laki's death...

But the post itself was awesome. *stares at Tig* You're gonna do another like that? Great, let's give Indi headaches. *mutters* ^_^

Stice: What does it say?

Indi: *groan*))

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:33 pm
by Luminaire
((oops foprgot to take ou the qoute. XD;; Yay, I didn't miss too much while at work today. ))

A great swelling of outrage was rising in Lumi's soul as the filly spoke of her trials with her parents. Not toward her, but her mother for not understanding and loving her own child. Then even worst in Lumi's eyes, blaming the child for the faults of others.

"Listen," the darkuni mare looks into the foal's eyes, with intensity and passion not to be ignored. Her voice broked no refusal, loving and firm in it's tone. "That is your mother's fault and your mother's loss. It does not mean you are unworthy of love. It does not mean you deserve to be left alone. It does not mean you're nothing more than ash and soot. She is wrong. You deserve love and you're one of the most wonderful serians I have yet been blessed to talk to." Lumi, did her best to say it all in way the young one could understand, but with no hint of condensation.

Lumi spoke with all the truth she knew in her own soul. She spoke as a mother and a Goddess of a world, who has seen many things. Lumi did not stand for nonsense, unless it was the fun and silly kind. What LunarPrism's mother had done was one of the worst forms of nonsense, in her opinion.

If the darkuni ever came across that particular serian, she would be sure to give her a piece of her mind and then some.

She softens, " suits you." The darkuni says with a small gentle smile. "I mentioned how my name is Lumi before, but my whole first name is Luminaire. I was named that because of how I glow in many colors." The shine coming from all over the darkunicorn is now a beautiful deep purple. It changes gradually to many shades, and hues of the rainbow. The air directly around Lumi is filled with warm light.

Lumi was quiet as the others had their turn to tell, LunarPrism what they would. As they did so the darkuni learned a great deal about them. They weren't so different from herself. Everyone had a story to tell.

She only hoped that the foal would be able to understand and find someone among them all to trust, and love so she wouldn't be lost anymore.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:37 am
by [Unknown]
*The foal looked up at those who were offering her comfort, her eyes reflecting her namesake and she seemed to come a little more alive with the memories their inquiries evoked.*

My Sha-kyn called me something else, but only foals who haven't found their true name are called that. They refused to let me accept the name given at my birth. They told me Papa had no right to name me, but I like my name... I need my Papa. All I could ever ask would be for him to find me.

*She scraped her hoof on the ground, unsure as how this comment would be recieved, since it had always been a scandalous thing to say when she had lived with her mother. Emboldened by their lack of shock, she continued*

You don't have Sha-kyn? They are... like Mother, in the same group, yet they are not my parents. They call it a Circle, I think. Yes, a Circle. And Sha-en is easy! They're all the Serians I know, where I come from at least. Everyone has Sha-kyn and a Sha'en! 'Cept for the Vagrants, of course.

*Her voice is tinged with an arrogance that had obviously been practiced and taught, and her fear was forgotten in her shock at a lack of Unbonded culture. She had been told that the Bonded were virtually a different species, but she hadn't thought they would be -that- different.

She then listened as she was told a story, fascinated, but in the end her grief returned full force at the death of the loved one. Her bright eyes dimmed once more. She turns away violently and shook her head, denying the need to find love or compassion from anyone.*

They'll just forget and leave me. I don't need anyone but Papa.

*She stubbornly clung to the idea that her father will come, that he would be able to make her life perfect again. Her father..... someone asked a question about him.*

I... don't know. They never told me, and I was so little I couldn't even run right. He's like me, though. Not pink, but like me. He used to say we were twins...

*She suddenly froze and her eyes turned flinty as she became suspicious of the strangers. Strangers her mother had warned her not to confide in, not to get near. She got to her feet, beginning to back away from everyone when she heard the next words uttered from a stallion that seemed... hardened, yet kind. Her throat tightened as he spoke, making her feel a rush of words backed up behind gritted teeth. Finally she managed to let one sentance escape.*

They burned her; she's gone and it's my fault.

*She turned towards the glowing mare and watched, mesmerized by the shifting colors. She starts to speak once more, and then stops, ears flicking and unsure*


*Far away, on a silhouetted hillside, a dark figure stood, mane rippling in the wind and grief dimming his pale eyes. He waited, and watched, though his heart was breaking every moment*

((OOC: Oooh, the mystery! *is enjoying herself and taking the time to stretch her RP skills.* ... Though I'm so rusty people need a tetanus shot when they read my stuff :P ))

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:03 am
by Tigress
Frostbite's eyed widen momentarily before slipping into a blank nothing ness again, a careful mask that she practiced to avoid breaking down in front of others. "I understand better now, thank you. Don't trust what people say, I may not know what happened, but I can look into your eyes and see that it was not your fault. Your father... a twin?" The name kept screaming in her head, and memories came back of a guarded smile, an ebony rainbow, their manes looked so alike...

"Prophet. Does that sound familiar?" She knew she was the only Serian in the group who'd ever met him, so she could have easily been wrong, but it had been eating away at her.

"I have no Sha-kyn, I am the only one in my realm without a mate basically, and no circle because of it." She states simply, thought the comment about her mother burning brought a choke from her throat as she bit back more emotion, her heart turning to ice again inside. "My mother... she died in the same way... she killed herself, and my family said it was my fault... They left me alone, and I grew cold. Only the love of my bonded, Tig, could bring me back to the somewhat normal I am today. I know how it feels, it gets so confusing... but I had to trust her, and open up to her. Unlike you, I had no chance of anyone coming back..." She offered, telling a piece of her story, but keeping the rest inside of her.

She smiled at the foal softly. "Your father means so much to you, and he will feel the desperation in your heart, I have faith." And that was really the best she could do for now.

Tig felt awkward, everyone was telling their life story and still she hid, perhaps she was as much like the foal as Frostbite in a way. Prophet? What brought that up? She glanced around and shrugged, letting it go for the moment.

She stepped forward and sat behind her Serian, making perfect eye contact for a moment. "I am Tig, her bonded. I found her broken and alone in an old mansion, and I helped reveal the mystery to set her free, then she decided to trust me and come home with me. She doesn't like to think on the past much, but she'd opened her heart for you, and I trust her judgement like I would my own parents." In truth, Tig's parents were long dead themselves, but the foal had heard enough sap stories, so she wouldn't get into that.

The fierce stubborn arrogance made Tig chuckle and shake her head, grinning roguishly. "You've got fire and spunk, you remind me of one of my other beloved companions, Chaos, when he was a foal. So strong and feisty. It will do you good to show your strength, embracing anger is easier than embracing sadness, I know." She responded, glancing at those about her and feeling sorry for the ones who were snapped at. You really can't control your temper when you get into a certain mindset. Tig had always believed in living, loving, and moving on. She could only mourn for so long before she got angry at whoever was at fault, at whoever cursed her with bad luck. Then she sucked it up, and let it go.

Now, looking at this foal, she felt the ache of knowing it very well might not go with her if she helped it, but she would anyway. The foal wanted her father, and if Tig had any power at all, it would be to give him to her, right this second. She looked at Avalir, so cold and hardened like Frostbite, she only hoped he had not witnessed as much death and loneliness as her precious mare.

She stood, feeling the wind soft against her face, allowing the moon to shine brightly onto her and cleanse her troubled and pained mind, and there was an awkward sensation again, like eyes on your back... She took another look around, and swore she saw a figure. She remained staring, transfixed as Frostbite gave the eyes of a proud mother to the young foal, she truly admired the young one. Yet she was oblivious as to the figure watching from afar...

((This is getting great Foxx! I'm so inspired lol don't mind the posts *giggle, grin* I love Frost, and that better be who I'm reaaally hoping it is XP))

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:14 am
by Luminaire
Lumi almost chuckled at the arrogance in the foal's voice when she basically told everyone that they all had family and friends. Sha-kyn and Sha-en were family and friends in other words.

She wondered where LanurPrism's father was, he wasn't dead that was clear. Though he couldn't make the filly's life perfect again, he is needed by her. Lumi stood by what she had said before she would help, LunarPrism find her Papa.

At the last, the darkuni was uneasily confused by the foal. What is she saying now? First she was saying how her mother had left her like she was ashes and soot, how she hadn't liked LunarPrism's Sha-en. Now she was saying that, they'd burned her.

All through this Lumi hadn't been sure if the filly's mom just died, or abandoned her and was still alive somewhere.
Normally Lumi would of easily had read the filly's mind and sifted through the memories to find out, but she hadn't the right to do that here. She would have to make do with guesses about what the filly meant.

She guessed that burning was their burial ritual.

Immensely saddened, Lumi's colors were a mixture of twilight blues and purples. While more words rose to her throat advice and such, she did not say them. LunarPrism wasn't ready to accept words or advice. It would take a long time for her to understand and accept that, what happened had not been her fault.

A pale lavender, her eyes look into LunarPrism's with a promise, "I will help you find your Papa." her tone was one hundred percent sure of that.

She knew she wouldn't be the only one to help, as it looked like everyone there was feeling the same way. The darkuni probably would of noticed the presence of that dark form in the hillside if all of her being wasn't so focused on the foal.

Perhaps if she hadn't been so focused and not paying as much attention to what was happening around her, she would of prevented the near accident.

Banjo had been quietly waiting at the top of the slide all this time and was just as engrossed in the filly's words as everyone else. Without meaning to she'd moved dangerously close to the edge of the slide. She was just a step away from falling down when Lumi got the feeling something was wrong.

She whipped her head around just as Banjo's hoof was stepping on air. "Banjo! Look ou-!" Too late the mare makes a startled sound and falls over the side. The blue and purple mare goes down the slide in a dangerous tumble.

Both of Lumi's ears prick forward hard as if straining, Banjo's decent is stopped by an invisible force. The serian mare is then floating away from the slide and onto the land.

Understandably the sacred sea mare is shaking from her near miss. Lumi was shaking herself as she got up and went to her bonded to nuzzle her comfortingly. The darkunicorn is crying.

"I-I'm okay...just got to find out what it was like to fly." Banjo makes a little joke. "Why are you crying?"

Lumi chuckles wetly, "What kind of magical being would I be, if I didn't give my beloveds a chance to fly without wings?" She snugs Banjo close under her chin for a moment before letting her go.

"I'm crying because I was scared and I'm happy that you're okay." she says honestly as she turns back to the filly and the others. Banjo decides to stick close to Lumi for now, she's still shaking.

((Ahh there, now it's all finsihed. Yay! ^_^ ))

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:46 am
by Rainer
Rainer didn't move foreward when the filly backed away. She sat on the ground, crossing her legs. She continued to ask question, her voice calm and soft. "You seem very attached to your father..." Rainer had never gotten to experience the comfort a father could give, and she often wondered how it felt...

Spin was approaching his bonded from behind, and among hearing the familiar clip-clopping of his hooves, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye, and held out a hand, telling him to hault. The stallion did so, standing completely still with his head low to the ground. Rainer returned her hand to her lap, locking her fingers together. Her gaze was no longer on the filly. She felt that watching the little one might make her think she was there to harm her. Which was the total opposite.

So she watched the ground infront of her, listening carefully.