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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:53 pm
by Kyra
occl Sorry I have been gone so long. Been sick and then the homework and catching up. Thanks Rainer for telling Songhue why I have been absent.

Bic| Amber watched Sparkle trot around her, then looked back at the mare. Nice to meet you Path! She then turned back to Sparkle. Ya, this is Crash. She nodded in the direction of the purple stallion.

Crash too watched the stallion named Sparkle dance around Amber. He walked over closer to Path, trying to get away from the over energetic stallion. It's not that he didn't like Sparkle; he was just a little hyper for him. Also we wanted to get out of his reach of having a tail flicked at him.

The black mare just shook her head playfully. Yep, this was the Sparkle for ya. She then jumped in the direction of the stream, turning her head back to him. Sure Sparkle! We can play in the water! Just you know if it's tag, I will win! With that, she burst into a canter and jumped into the stream. Coming up with her mane covering her eyes.

Once away from the hyper stallion, he turned towards the mare. Nice to meet you, Path. He the turned to see Amber as she jumped into the stream, he shook his head, meaning this is Amber for you. So fun and so full of energy. Turning back to the yellow mare, he said in a teasing voice, Is Sparkle always like that? It looked like it to him that Path acted like a big sister to the blue stallion.

Amber shook her head, her forelock falling onto on eye. She laughed and watched to see who else would join her. This was going to be so much fun! As of right now, three serians could play something fun, like tag or just bug and splash one another.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:42 pm
by Songhue
Chasing after Amber, Sparkle purposly dodged closer to the two others and gave a random kick just to tease. Path didn't move, she'd thought he'd do something along that line, just snorted at him. He was, unquestionably, hyper.

With a little toss of her mian she turned so she was partly talking to the trees as well. She didn't want anyone sneaking up on her. "Yes, he's just this way. I learn to deal with it."

With that she looked back to the sky agian, a dark, heavy cloud obscuring the sun for a moment. They were rare, but menacing. With a toss of her mian, she snorted again and eyed Crash as the others bounced around playing. "Amber seems to be good for him. I'm glad you can along."

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:42 am
by Rainer
Ether smirked when the cloud cast a shadow over the area, and decided this was his chance. Soft hoof beats came from behind the group, accompanied by the appearance of the odd looking stallion haulting beside the yellow mare, his forelock casting a shadow over solid coloured eyes. "Why, why. Hello, loves."

A mischevious glance was sent in Amber's direction, smirking behind a blank mask. 'She'll freak.' He thought to himself, taking into consideration their first meeting.

Saphire had followed her teacher, and now stood behind him, her head low and eyes dull. Just an act, you see. She's picked up a couple things along the way. Of course, she was just bubbling to freak them out, but decided to save that for later.

For now, she didn't wish to be noticed.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:39 am
by Songhue
Path nodded neutrally, recognizing the flash of color she'd seen before. The stallion didn't have to feel of someone to trust, and the mare.....had an odd sensation hanging around her. They were far different from the two that had originally come, that was sure.

"Sparkle's playing in the water," she noted in all proper manners. "Otherwise I'm sure he'd give a fully jubilent welcoming. I am Path, and this is, if I'm correct, Crash, and Amber there with Sparkle. Considering your eyes," she added as she flicked her tail nervously and tilted her head at the stallion, "I'm rather glad there are so many clouds. They had a certian intensity to them, so I'm sure they're keen." She didn't add anything as of yet to the mare. She seemed to be distant, rather unattatched to what was happening. That would have been it if Sparkle hadn't popped his head up and seen them.

"Hey, hey, new comers!" he cried, every bit as enthusiastic as Path had predicted. "Oh, I've heard of him, I mean of you," she half shouted as he jumped up out of the water and hurried over with a quick glance back at Amber. "You're that new stallion that everyone says is so different. I'm Sparkle, you wanna do something, like maybe play with me and Amber? Oh, wait, what are you here for, maybe we could do that." There was one thing Sparkle was not, and that was a bad friend.

So it was that when he turned his head to include the quiet mare he saw Saphy and very nearly bounced out of his skin with joy. "Hey! Hey, Saphy, long time no see! Say, you still just wandering around, or did you want to do something?"

Path snorted at him absently and shook her head as she wandered closer to Crash. At the moment a good bit of grass was more attractive than her brightly colored friend. She was, however, careful that neither pair of new companians left her eyesight. Part of her mannerisms were to never turn your back to anyone.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:31 pm
by Rainer
Ether glanced at the mare from the corner of his eye, a smirk twisting up his lips. "I see... It's polite of you to notice my sensitivity." He commented lightly, appearing to be kind and polite, acting somewhat like Arch.

His eyes seemed to lighten up a little when Sparkle asked what they were there for, he was just bubbling up inside to blurt it all out, yet managed to contain himself.

"An introduction, if you may." He turned his head, noting the puzzled look Saphire was giving Sparkle.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. She wouldn't let a hint of recognition flicker in her eyes. No, that would ruin it. "And it's Saphire." She corrected him casually, a faint smile appearing on her features for a split second, before her face became straight once more.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:33 pm
by Songhue
Sparkle paused in his prancing, staring at his old aquaintance with something akin to shock. He'd heard of serians losing thier memory when they were abandoned or when something equally tragic happened, but he couldn't fathom what could have brought this on.

"Oh, well, it doens't matter, and I'll just keep calling you Saphy since that's what I know you as. Have you met Amber, she's tons of fun, hey Amber, get over here! Er, please?" he added with a bit of a blush.

Path shook her head at him, then moved slightly closer to Crash to be sure he was included. He was quiet, so she liked him so far. "Your eyes must be a blessing in certain lighting," she noted to Ether while trying to fight down the urge to kick Sparkle, the silly stallion.

"Please excuse my friend's enthusiasm," she added with a flick on an ear. "He finds great pleasure in company. But he tends to find great pleasure in most things." As if to prove this point the stallion in question pranced back and forth between his two mare friends, tossing his head randomly at a butterfly that passed close to him.

Personally, Path preferred quiet and simple counrtysides, but this was refreshing in its openess. To have so many together in an open converse everyone could simply jump into was a rather comforting concept to her. It felt a little bit like she imagined a family would, exept for the cold fomalities.