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Re: Mixed Up Matchings [Open]

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 11:40 pm
by Songhue
He wanted to toss his mane, to shake her off, to pull into himself and protect her from this strange pain. He wanted to but he couldn't.

All he could do was lean into her, nodding slightly to SilverFlash as he turned and started down the canyon. How could he answer her question?

There was no fear, at least. She would stay with him, no matter. He knew that.

"I don't know how to be this way, Amber.. But suddenly, it's the only way I can be. I'm confused, I'm scared, I don't want to weigh you down with these things, I need to lean on you, it's so confusing... Oh, but you probably don't even know what I'm talking about."

Sparkle sighed, his great indigo hide heaving in weary frustration. Was there even a proper beginning for all this? How could he hope to start to bring order to this chaos in him?

"Don't worry about it, my dearest. How are your bond-mates? Did you have fun today?"

Something else, a topic about her.. Perhaps that would be best. How could he be so selfish as to wish to trouble her with these things?

Re: Mixed Up Matchings [Open]

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:23 am
by Kyra
The silver mare watched as the two headed off down the canyon, a smile flickered onto her face. The two looked so cute together. Amber had told her about them, but the black mare said she didn't want to bore her new bond-sister and had kept it short. Silverflash would like in the future to know more. She shook her crown and let the little breeze ripple over her body and play with her starlit mane.

Amber followed Sparkle, she looked at him as he spoke, "What way...To me you are still my Sparkle, but with less... I guess playful energy and you seem so nervous. I am not sure what exactly it is, but maybe... It is a part of growing up? Being uneasy around the one you love dearly, or care a lot about." She remember Kyra having similar problems and with that help of the two talking they came to that conclusion. Kyra could not figure out why she felt so awkward around guys unless she was playing a sport, we before it didn't matter and now it did. "My bonded and I came to the conclusion in her case that it was because she was growing up and before impressing the guys was not necessary, but now being older, it seemed to be. In a way her body was telling her she was ready to find her own special male, but she was not sure how. She finally put it together and decided on being herself was the best way, then and only then could someone find her."

She snuggled into his neck and playfully nipped his mane. "I do worry Sparkle. I worry about all who I care about if something is wrong." she said in her soothing voice. Changing it back to her normal she said, "Yes, all is well with my bond-family, minus Dart's attitude. Yes, I did have fun today, thanks for asking. What about you? How are you bond-family doing?"

Re: Mixed Up Matchings [Open]

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:59 pm
by Songhue
If only it was as simple as that. He felt uncomfortable, but not around her. It was that he felt out of place in his own skin.

It wasn't in him to play all the time, not any more. He was calmer, more serious, and had no idea how to act. What did the other stallions do? What was he supposed to do, now there play didn't make up his entire life?

He let it go, though. For her sake, he let it go, and tried his best to fumble his way through social behavior.

"They're well, thanks. Any ideas on how to get Dart to behave?"

Ok.. So now what? He didn't know.

Re: Mixed Up Matchings [Open]

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:14 pm
by Kyra
Amber could still feel that there was something bugging her beloved, but didn't know what else she could do. Was this that ever creature had to go through and in their own time. Was it what Kyra said about growing out of your childhood, but not sure how to act. "I think the best thing I can say is that be yourself, sweetheart. If you be yourself, than that is all that matters. Don't think of how others think, I know it's hard. I and my bonded to it too. You just have to try to please yourself and only you, let go of the opinion of others." She said in a comforting voice, this is all she could think of to help him.

Then changing back to normal tone she said, "That is good. As for my red and white bond-brother, nope. Though or newest member may deal with that," she said giggling a little. Skid had told her a tiny bit of his plan to get the rouge stallion, as he called Dart, under control. She had laughed then took, it took everything not to in front of the black and green stallion. She knew he was amused with his plan too, her newest bond- brother was something different that was for sure.

Re: Mixed Up Matchings [Open]

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:41 am
by Songhue
He tried his best to hide his shame. She was so sweet, so caring... So understanding. The only problem was..

I don't know how myself is anymore.

There was no other way to put it. Who or what had he become, how was he meant to cope, why did he have this urge guard and guide when he was figuring things out himself? The words 'focal point' whispered through his instincts for an instant before being lost, words he didn't understand.

But he wouldn't trouble her with it. Not his beloved Amber. She was his anchor and he trusted her with everything, yet he refused to be a burden.

"I do thank you," he nickered, reaching over to nuzzle into her neck as they walked. He didn't want her thinking he had ignored the kindness she'd shown him, even if he did choose to fumble his way blindly rather than burden her.

"Mind if I ask how? He seemed rather.. Brash." A flick of an ear hinted at stronger words just beneath those spoken. He was not a stallion that was meant for fighting, yet the way this particular stallion had dared to treat his mate seemed to demand that he try his hoof at it once again.

It was that protectiveness again, that strange sensation that he had to preserve her every laugh and smile, that he had to keep her sweet innocence safe. That he was somehow needed, though he strongly doubted such a thing. What need would she have of him, after all?

Re: Mixed Up Matchings [Open]

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:56 am
by Kyra
Her eyes light up again at his the touch of his muzzle on her neck, "Your welcome. When ever someone who I dearly care about is hurt or something is bothering them, I will do what ever I can to help," she said still sensing his awkwardness, but she wasn't sure what else she could do. So, she decided it was best just to be his support, until she figured out how else she could help her mate.

"Nope, not at all. Skid, is my newest bond-brother, and he was going to try to give Dart a dose of his own medicine. Not sure exactly what he has in mind, but he can handle pointer well and trouble is Peace's little friend last name," she said laughing a little. The black dolphin could be such a little pain, but never towards the ice mare. "It should be interesting to see what exactly he does, the red and white stallion is such a handful."