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Re: Marrok, The Wanderer (Open)

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:55 am
by Foxyfireswings
After what seemed like an eternity Athena broke the kiss and pulled away. As she looked up into his bright blue stare, she could see the hunger and need there. The sun had started to make its way down the sky, Athena smiled as he pulled her deeper into the water, the water soon came over their shoulders, she felt his hands running over her body cause a blush to splay across her face.

She then felt his hand in her hair, cleaning it of dirt. Running her hands over him, gently exploring, she washed away all the pain and dirt with the warm healing water. It seemed like hours before they emerged from the pool. Athenas skin tingled, her pale flesh clean and pure once again. The wound on her shoulder had finally healed, and the medicine that Marrok had used left no sign of scar.

Tilting her gaze back to him, lifting her foot she sent a well aimed splash of water in his direction, wetting his almost dry skin. Laughing her tone happy, she ran out of the water, calling to her wolf, running through the glade, she ran to a place just on the other side of the water, a place that her mother used to take her on hunting trips.

A large den rested, hidden, just behind the protection of the water. Slowly walking up to it the scent of her parents hung in the air, the ground was lay with a bed of down feather to make it more comfortable. Turning her gaze to Marrok, smiling she walked into the den, it was just large enough to accommodate her height, though the tips of her fur brushed its entrance. Crouching she curled up and looked out at Marrok.

Re: Marrok, The Wanderer (Open)

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:14 am
by waterlily
The water was indeed warm. As his mate splashes him and then runs, Marrok cannot help but enjoy the sight of her naked beauty. Her skin glistening in the light as she transforms into her wolf form. She is stunning in any form. Marrok can feel her call to him with her eyes. He climbs out of the pool and shakes off any excess water. With bright blue eyes, he calls forth his inner wolf. His silvery fur sparkles with the setting of the sun.

Glancing to his mate he goes to her. The den is very cozy and Marrok but crouch down to fit through its short entrance. Inside he curls around Athena, allowing her to rest her head on his back. He wraps his tail around her in order to play with her fur. Her lovely scent fills the air as Marrok plays with her. Licking her neck and face. All the guilt and anguish he had in his heart melted away this day. This time with his mate alone was needed. He feels so close to her heart that he can feel it beat in his chest.

As the night draws on Marrok is content to just stare at Athena. Her golden gaze captivates him. At times she is so strong and tough and proud, but now she is shy and timid and needs him. With a flash of blue, Marrok stops time. The water is still and the leaves hang in mid air. He can only hold this for a minute or two, but that is all he wants. For this moment to go on forever.

Re: Marrok, The Wanderer (Open)

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:01 am
by Foxyfireswings
The strong beat of his heart echoed through her fur, her own heart beat with it. Resting against him, her body molded to the shape of his. Her eyes closed in peace and contentment. Dreams came to her as she fell into a deep sleep, vivid dreams of when she was young, dreams of her mother and father, even her den play mates, those that had been born around the same time she was. One figure haunted her dreams; a close friend she had know from the moment of her birth, they had been born on the same day at the same moment, but by different mothers. This figure who appeared as a shadow in her dreams, calling to her. Whispering in her sleep, " left me alone.." Still asleep her body trembled and shook as she growled, her fur bristling across her back, in the dream she screamed as she watched her friend fall off the cliff. Her body jerked as her eyes opened, "No!"

Re: Marrok, The Wanderer (Open)

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:31 am
by waterlily
Marrok was sound asleep with his mate curled up to him tightly. He awoke suddenly to Athena trembling in her sleep. Maybe she was having a bad dream. He nuzzles her forehead hopefully reassuring her his he here with her and she is safe. Abruptly she awakes uttering, NO!. *Are you OK my love. You were talking in your sleep. And then you appeared to get angry. Where you dreaming of your mother?*

Re: Marrok, The Wanderer (Open)

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:25 pm
by Foxyfireswings
Athena blinked in shock...had she really just been dreaming about him? she hadn't had a dream like that in years. Turning her head to look at Marrok, "Well...yes and no, I did dream of my mother but that is not what woke me." Something felt wrong, she could feel it in her heart, his cry echoed in her mind. The sight had come to her, it had shown her something, rising she crawled out of the cave, turning to Marrok she uttered under her breath, "I have to see something."

Turning she walked to the warm water, night was still around them and the air was cool. Staring at the water, she sat back on her hunches the fire along her back flaming up as she called forth her power. Tilting her head down she watched the pictures swirl and change. Closing her eyes she thought of that day. Whispering softly to Marrok she said as the images swirled under her paws, "In my den, another female went into labor the same time my mother did, a male pup was born. I was born right around the same time, we grew up together." Opening her eyes, the depths gentle and fond as she remembered.

"We did everything together, and trained fiercely as pups, our other den mates could never best us when we fought as one." Looking at the water she smiled as she saw herself, a firely young wolf charge and meet a dark black wolf in midair only to end up pinned down. The image changed once again, "He was like a brother to me, a great friend, our parents thought we would be bonded." Sighing she looked away from the pool as the image of a black wolf and her played along the edge of the cliff, the image flashed by as Athena dove at him, tumbling into the grass laughing, rising she looked up at her friend, horror filled her eyes as she watched him walk the fine edge of the canon, "No Sero!" The black turned his bright gray eyes watching her, laughter on his muzzle, "Athena you worry to much."

Athena rose crying out as the dirt gave way, her flames flying faster then she could run, dashing to the edge she watched her friend free fall through the air. The image vanished and the water swirled, Athena lowered her head, remembering how she felt that day.

Re: Marrok, The Wanderer (Open)

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:06 pm
by waterlily
Marrok is a bit taken back by her story. It is hard when you lose a friend, especially one that you were close to. Marrok did not have any memories of his birth, nor did he ever stay in one place long enough to make friends. They few he can call friend can be counted on his fingers. *Was it just a dream, or is there a reason you are having this memory now?*