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Re: The Tale of Nix

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:20 pm
by Vineda
Vineda watched Waterlily take off with a smirk, pausing a moment and closing her eyes in concentration. A tiny breeze swept past idly, picking up some leaves that had fallen to the ground and tumbling them along out of sight. This done, the russet fox once again grinned.

A sharp yip and she took up the chase. She'd given him a head start, but he'd not stay in the lead long! Forelegs extended, breaths came faster, and back legs powered her forward until she caught and passed the wind and the leaves it carried.

Re: The Tale of Nix

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:27 am
by waterlily
One second he looks back and nothing; the next Vineda is nearly upon him. Waterlily pushes on darting around trees in an attempt to delay the inevitable. It seems his childish antics have backfired on him today. He glances back again and does not see her. He races to a nearby giant oak and dives into a hole near the base of its giant roots. He is literally out of breath and a wash of fear and anticipation overtake him. He mumbles to himself, *Maybe One has gotten lucky and she decided not to pursue him.* He smiles a worried smile. He can hear nothing but his heart beating a thousand time per second.

Re: The Tale of Nix

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:23 pm
by Vineda
Vineda raced after the crafty Waterlily, anticipating catching him and pouncing back on him in revenge. As she wove through the trees, however, she lost him. Nimble fox feet slowed to a trot, then to a walk as she began sniffing this way and that, attempting to catch his scent.

Deciding to sit a moment and catch her breath, she listened to the sound of her heart beating. It slowed pretty quickly... except... She stood again as she heard an echoing heartbeat. But this other one was not slowing nearly so fast.

She moved a step or two in the direction of the sound, smelling closer. Ha! She'd found him! "Hey you! If you wanted to play hide and seek, you could've said. Though it is kind of a fun surprise." She laughed, voice light and playful. Flopping down unceremoniously onto the cool floor, the realization dawned on her that maybe he hadn't been playing after all.

"Wait a minute... Are you alright in there?"

Re: The Tale of Nix

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:13 am
by waterlily
When Waterlily heard her voice, he began to calm down. She was just playing and maybe wasn't so mad at him. He did not plan on hiding, he just got so scared that he thought hiding would be a good idea. As he calms, he realizes that Vineda is right outside and she has stopped to rest. His inner child cannot resist such an easy target. *I'm just* Waterlily springs out of the hole and pounces on an unsuspecting Vineda resting on the cool floor. He did not hit her hard; just enough to roll her and himself into a nearby pile of leaves. He pops his head out of the leaves, *Vineda?*