A flowing form moved through the dappled sunlight weakly filtering through the overhead canopy. Her own hide already dappled in places and shadowy in others, she blended in rather well despite being on what passed for a path or thoroughfare. Or would, if there were enough around to fill it.
Her own homeland had been quiet, but her arrival at her birthplace had felt even quieter and emptier… hauntingly so. Reverie wandered absently, catching visions and glimpses of those who’d traveled this path before. This land remembered its adventurers and wanderers, its solace seekers, visitors, and minglers. She had no particularly strong affinity for an earth-sense, per se, but places had memory for such things. Especially places as magical as this one. The whole atmosphere seemed sadder somehow.
She knew not what had called her here, but she was happy to wander a bit herself and to gently reminisce with this land over the good times and the bad. Lingering to see a flash of two blue-green forms bathed in starlight, she wondered what their story was. Doing a double take, she realized the bluer windblown form was that of her bondmate Cyclone.
She moved on, not wanting to pry into details he hadn’t shared with her himself. That was a definite danger of getting Remembrance flashes, as she called them. Sometimes they were so short it hardly mattered, but once in a while she could focus on them and see a bit of story unfold. Her delicate ears picked up the laughing burble of a stream or brook, so she headed in that direction. A cool drink sounded like just what she needed.
Moderator: Tigress