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Re: Cold Toes

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:08 pm
by Vineda
Vineda was glas of her small form, which made it easy to glide swiftly through the brush and trees that might hinder a larger creature. Such as an equine stallion, she thought with a smirk. Her steps slowed slighty to make her progress less audible as she saw through the bushes a twilight and yellow color that was a bit of a giveaway. Now she just had to avoid the notice of Songhue.

She slinked around the stallion, speeding so that she was in front of him. Then she held absolutely still, ready to shift in a blink and waiting for Sparkle to draw even.

Re: Cold Toes

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:35 pm
by Songhue
Songhue gave a large yawn as the stallion slowed his mad rush, absently stretching her leg across his back as she propped her head on her paws. She was paying for the mad dash she started earlier.

"Will you be alright?"

"Never fret, this ol' feline has a few runs left in her yet."

"You know Sign would melt my ears if something happened.."

"Y'all worry too much, the whole lot."

"Stubborn fae.. When will you see that daily pain is unhealthy?"

"When I am once again worthy of joy. Watch the branch, Sparkle, you'll clip your head."

A low purr escaped her as he was distracted by the plant life, flicking her tail as she smoothly shifted their conversation.

"The woodland grows dense here. What say ye, be it safe?"

"Safe enough, though I'm more comfortable in the open forests. Wait.. Did you see something?"

"Nay, mine gaze is turned towards the canopy, watching the sun drift through the thick leaves."

"I could have sworn.. Just out of the corner of my eye."

Songhue merely purred quietly, batting at vine as it tickled her stomach as he slowed and then stopped. She could hear him, faintly, nickering under his breath.

"Trust your instincts," he mumbled, repeating a previous lesson the two of them had shared. "Always trust your instincts as they help you to survive - in games and in life."

Snorting, the stallion looked ahead, tossing his mane as he saw a split in the passable shrubbery as it wrapped around a large tree. Something felt off.

"Define what troubles you and you find your course of action," the feline purred. Sparkle gave no reply - indeed, seemed to ignore her. This wasn't the case, of course. He had long since learned it was better to simply heed what she said than waste time on banter, as she spoke so little. Much less in a direct manner.

Around him the forest sang, the plants shifting as the various critters went about the cycle of hunt, feast and rest. No sound of alarm was raised, no ominous quiet settled behind or on either side, not even directly ahead.

Ahead and slightly to the left, however, there was a strange silence. All other plants moved with creatures or the winds - all save a few, there ahead of him. They were as still and silent as stone and hardly three yards from him.

Flicking his tail, Sparkle turned his back on the silent spot, heading off at an odd angle. He was not going back the way he came, but he was no longer going forward either. He didn't bother trying to keep silent as he picked his way along, careful of the dense plant life. Though he did enjoy the sights. After a while he spotted a curious flash at the top of a thick tree, pausing to look at whatever it was. The leaves were too thick for him to make anything out, but there were definite signs of movement up there.

Shrugging it off, he moved on, focusing on keeping his footing and completely forgetting about the feline that was sunning on his back.

Re: Cold Toes

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:54 am
by Vineda
The small fox shivered her skin in annoyance as she watched the stallion still and then turn slightly away from her. No matter, she told herself. She'd just have to run faster!

She shifted silently to her own equine shape, though with a more slight build as though she'd taken on some deerlike characteristics. Her chestnut coat was just the shade of her long hair in summertime.

Then, steeling herself, she took a deep breath and took off after the serian stallion. He would hear and feel her approach either way, she judged, but perhaps if she were fast enough she could gain some from her element of half-surprise. The thrill of the chase enveloped her, and she gave a battle cry of sorts. The race was on!

As she neared her victim's flanks she let her voice ring out in sing-song, even should it cost her in breath. Her spirits were soaring, and she let her cares go. "Let us see how fast you run, hang onto that cat, let's have some fun! The gleam in mine eyes now is lit, for you my friend will soon be It!"

Re: Cold Toes

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:41 pm
by Songhue
Snorting out a laugh, Sparkle glanced back as the air shimmered, revealing a small, glowing sylph where the cat had just been. The little creature tangled itself in his mane, grabbing on to the roots to keep from flying about with her wings pressed flat. A spark lit his eye as he saw her settle in and he tore off, laughing as the trees tore passed and the lengths between he and his pursuer began to grow. At least until she caught on to just how fast he could be in this woodland..

Re: Cold Toes

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:49 pm
by Vineda
Vineda gasped as Songhue apparently disappeared and Sparkle took off like a shot! Gritting her teeth, she redoubled her efforts and refused to do anything to make this easier. No shifting, no tricks, no twisting the circumstances. She simply redoubled her efforts and made her legs go faster... She'd show him just how stubborn she could be!

Slowly, inch by tiny inch, she gained on the stallion as they wove through the neverending trees. She wondered briefly if Shadow Flame were around here somewhere, but then quickly refocused all of her concentration on her slow gaining. She knew he could probably go even faster, but she'd worry about that later! She had endurance that few could match if it came to it, and she hoped it'd be enough!

Re: Cold Toes

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:52 pm
by Krinlith
With the thundering of hooves, Shadow Flame looked about and saw Sparkle and what he took to be Vineda tearing through the woods like lightning. Wanting to see what happened, he grabbed his semi-sharpened stick and took flight, grumbling as a bird tried to make him dinner. It was a good thing he had that stick to defend himself with.

Making sure not to hurt the bird too badly, he rushed off again to see the chase between Vineda ans Sparkle. He took a dive and flew lower, having been flying over the tree tops. That was much better, now he had a much closer view. Vineda seemed to be gaining on Sparkle from what he could see. Shadow Flame wondered what Sparkle would be like, were he to become It.